Regular assessments keep your relationship on track.

Assessments and Evaluations are one aspect of understanding your relationship. They help determine where things may be going wrong and pinpoint areas for growth. After taking an Assessment, find some time to reflect on what you learned. Send me an email to discuss helpful resources and tools.


How Strong is Our Friendship?

The foundation of a happy healthy marriage is a strong friendship. See how strong your friendship is.

Marriage Satisfaction Scale

How satisfied are you in your marriage? Complete this brief scale to help you determine where you stand in your relationship satisfaction.

Values Alignment Assessment

How aligned are our values? Do we know what we value individually and as a couple? Evaluate your alignment to help you understand yourself, your partner and your dynamic better.

Relationship Attunement Assessment

Attunement is essential in healthy marriages. Evaluate your level of attunement to each other. 

Repair Attempt Effectiveness Assessment

Repair during and after conflict leads to secure love. Evaluate how effectively you make and respond to repair attempts. 

How Emotionally Secure is our Relationship?

Emotional security is the number one predictor of happy, healthy, satisfying marriages. Assess the emotional security in your relationship.